Choose the dump mode. In Normal mode entries are
written to the dump file in BibTEX format, while in Sort mode the entries
are written in comma delimited format: the entry is written in one line, with
fields being separated by semicolons, and the entry names appear at the
end of the line. The sort mode is set to Normal at startup, and following a
program reset. Note that the dump mode affects the ``Dump All'' and the
``Dump current'' command, but not the ``Order file'' command.
The ``Order file'' command and the Sort dump mode, are provided in
order to enable rearranging the bibliography, according to any user
specified order. For example, the database can be sorted according to entry
name using the following procedure:
- Go to the ``Dump'' menu, choose the dump format ``Name only'' and dump
mode ``Sort'', and dump (using ``All'') to the file ``order.bib''.
- Go to Dos, either by leaving the program or by using ``Shell'' in the
``Misc'' menu, and sort the file ``order.bib'' using the DOS sort command, or
- Inside BibDB, go to the ``Dump'' menu, change the dump format to
``All'', choose ``Order file'', and specify the file ``order.bib''. You will
now have a sorted bibliography database in your dump file.
For more complicated sortings, it is up to the user to arrange the order file
according to his/her/whatever wishes. This feature is now rather
obsolete, as many sortings
can now be performed more conveniently using the Import File
feature together with the ``Sort" mode.